
ViewerHub (is a separate project that will be available soon) is a tool designed for managing server-side Weasis preferences across all native client installations. The preferences are defined in each release package (bin-dist/weasis/conf within and can be modified either through the ViewerHub web portal or via the Weasis protocol with the pro parameter.

Some server-side preferences are applied by Weasis only during the initial launch, as they can later be adjusted in the Weasis user interface. On the other hand, certain server-side preferences are utilized by Weasis during every launch and cannot be modified through the User Interface (client-side).

Changing Preferences in Weasis

Client-Side Preferences

Local preferences can be modified in the following ways:

  • Through the Weasis User Interface: Navigate to File > Preferences.
  • Using the Weasis Protocol: Use the weasis:config command with the pro parameter.

Server-Side Preferences

Server-side preferences can be updated using any of the following methods:

  • Through the ViewerHub Web Portal: Manage preferences directly via the web portal for all users, for user group or for a specific hostname.
  • By Extending the Configuration File: Create a new JSON file to extend the base.json configuration.

Priority order for loading a property

Here is the priority order to set a property:

  1. Java System property providing from parameters of weasis:config or the launching URI)
  2. Property defined in weasis/conf/xxx.json
  3. The default value of the property (see table below)

Example to change language property (It will work only during the first launch of Weasis on a user session, otherwise delete ${user.home}/.weasis/preferences/).

  1. If you are using weasis-pacs-connector, add the property locale.lang.code:
  2. Add the property in weasis/conf/xxx.json:
  3. The default value is “en_US”

List of Preferences

The preferences listed below are extracted from the base.json file, which is located in the source code.

The properties are grouped into categories (note: not all categories are shown in the list below), and each property includes the following details:

  1. Property Key: The name of the property, used as a key by the viewer.
  2. Default Value: The property’s default value, provided after the arrow. If it is marked as Null, the property is not set by default.
  3. First Badge: The JavaType of the property, indicating its type in Java (String, Integer, Boolean, etc.).
  4. Second Badge: Represents the Type, defining how the viewer handles the property:
    • F: Processed only during the viewer’s initial launch as it can be adjusted in the client-side preferences.
    • A: Always processed by the viewer.
    • AP: Always processed by the viewer but only from base.json or other .json files.
  5. Description: A brief explanation of the property, provided on the second line.

Dicom Category

  • weasis.aetNull string A
    Calling AETitle for DICOM send and Dicomizer publish. ? null means displaying the DICOM calling node combobox otherwise the combo is not displayed and the value is directly used
  • weasis.dicom.root.uid2.25 string A
    Set values for dicom root UID when creating DICOM objects (KO or PR). See company list at
  • boolean F
    Start to download series immediately
  • download.concurrent.series3 int A
    Controls the number of series downloaded simultaneously
  • download.concurrent.series.images4 int A
    The number of concurrently downloaded images within a series

General Category

  • weasis.themeorg.weasis.launcher.FlatWeasisTheme string F
    FaltLaf Look and feel, see
  • weasis.confirm.closingfalse boolean F
    Show a message of confirmation when closing the application
  • locale.lang.codeen string F
    Specifies the language code (see Java Locale: Default value is "en".
  • locale.format.codesystem string F
    Uses the operating system's locale (on the client-side) with "system". For other values refer to Java Locale:

Launch Category

  • felix.native.processor.alias.arm_learmv7a string A
    Processor alias for 32-bit arm native libraries
  • weasis.clean.previous.versionfalse boolean A
    If true, the bundle cache is cleared when the weasis version has changed from the previous launch
  • weasis.main.uiweasis-base-ui string A
    Application main user interface bundle. Mandatory with the default launcher.
  • weasis.nameWeasis string AP
    Change the name of the application everywhere in UI
  • weasis.profiledefault string AP
    Application profile: when no profile name is provided, the value is "default". It allows having a custom preferences' directory on the client side (will not share preferences with other Weasis instances)
  • weasis.userNull string AP
    Defines a user name to store its own preferences. Null value will be the system user.
  • string AP
    Store user preferences when weasis.user is not specified (only with remote preferences service)
  • flatlaf.uiScaleNull string F
    Specifies a custom scale factor used to scale the user interface. Allowed values: e.g. 1.5, 1.5x, 150% or 144dpi (96dpi is 100%)
  • weasis.resources.url${dollar}{weasis.codebase.url}/ string A
    Application resources (logo, presets, LUTs, dicom annotations configuration...) "" is downloaded again only when the last modified date has changed
  • boolean A
    Show a disclaimer at the first launch of Weasis (requires to be accepted to start the application)
  • boolean A
    Show a message when the release has changed
  • weasis.update.releasetrue boolean A
    Show a message when a new release is available
  • weasis.portable.dicom.directorydicom,DICOM,IMAGES,images string A
    For loading automatically DICOMs in the portable Weasis distribution (CD/DVD). Comma-separated directories relative to the Weasis executable file.

Log Category

  • felix.log.level1 int A
    Set the logging levels for OSGI framework 0=None / 1(default)=Error / 2=Warning / 3=Information / 4=Debug
  • string F
    Application logging level. This may be any of the defined logging levels TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
  • boolean F
    Activation of rolling log files
  • int F
    The max number of rolling log files
  • string F
    The max size of a rolling log file
  •{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} *%-5level* [%thread] %logger{36}: %msg%ex{3}%n string F
    Log pattern: {0} The timestamp of type java.util.Date, {1} the log marker, {2} the name of the current thread, {3} the name of the logger, {4} the debug level and {5} the actual debug message.
  • int F
    Defines the maximum number of lines for stack trace (0 => NONE, -1 => ALL). Default value is 3
  • audit.logfalse boolean A
    Audit log for usage statistics in Weasis

Ui Category

  • weasis.import.imagestrue boolean A
    Show the import image toolbar and menu
  • weasis.import.dicomtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM import menu and dialog
  • weasis.import.dicom.qrtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM Q/R page in the DICOM Export dialog
  • weasis.export.dicomtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM export menu and dialog
  • weasis.export.dicom.sendtrue boolean A
    Show the send page in the DICOM Export dialog
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.buttons7170 int A
    Show all mouse buttons. Sum of LEFT=1024 + MIDDLE=2048 + RIGHT=4096 + SCROLL=2. Show all:7170 and show none:0.
  • weasis.all.cinetoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show all the cine toolbars
  • weasis.all.keyobjecttoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show all the key object toolbars
  • weasis-dicom-viewer2d.all.rotationtoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show the rotation toolbars in DICOM 2D viewer
  • weasis.contextmenu.lutShapefalse boolean A
    Show LUT Shape in the contextual menu
  • weasis.contextmenu.lutfalse boolean A
    Show LUT in the contextual menu
  • weasis.contextmenu.filterfalse boolean A
    Show Filter in the contextual menu
  • weasis.plugins.licensetrue boolean A
    Show license activation in Help menu

Viewer Category

  • weasis.color.wl.applytrue boolean F
    Allow applying Window/Level on color images
  • weasis.level.inversetrue boolean F
    Inverse level direction (moving the cursor down to increase brightness
  • weasis.apply.latest.prfalse boolean F
    Apply by default the most recent Presentation State to the related image
  • weasis.force.3dfalse boolean A
    Force to detect a graphic card at every launch
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.leftwinLevel string F
    Left mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.middlepan string F
    Middle mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.rightcontextMenu string F
    Right mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.wheelsequence string F
    Mouse wheel action, possible values: sequence|zoom|rotation|none

Customize resources

The default resources are located:

  • With ViewerHub you can upload a new package “” for a specific release.
  • For the installed distribution in installedPath/app/resources

How to add DICOM nodes or DICOM printers at the server-side

  • From the graphical user interface, configure the DICOM printers from File > Print > DICOM Print or DICOM nodes from File > Preferences > Dicom node list
  • Go to the folder ${user.home}/.weasis/data/weasis-dicom-explorer
  • Copy the desired configuration files: dicomNodes.xml, dicomPrinterNodes.xml, dicomWebNodes.xml and dicomCallingNodes.xml
  • Paste at the root path of resources. For web distribution, unzip, place files and zip again.
  • The new configurations should appear for all the users as non-editable configurations in Weasis