Launch APIs

Launch Weasis from your own web application

The display service is available at the URL: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis

To launch Weasis from your own web application, you need to build the URL with the following parameters:

  • archive: The archive name to be used to retrieve the study. The list of archives is defined in the config server.
  • patientID: The Patient ID of the study to be displayed. Note to handle a universal patientID, add IssuerOfPatientID like in hl7: patientID=1168514^^^issuerValue
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&archive=dcm4chee-local
    • Ex with multiple patientID: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&patientID=2023231696&archive=dcm4chee-local
    • Ex with URL encoding of separators ^^^ and IssuerOfPatientID value test: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514%5E%5E%5Etest&archive=dcm4chee-local
  • studyUID: The Study Instance UID of the study to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?studyUID=
  • accessionNumber: The Accession Number of the study to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?accessionNumber=2066852&archive=dcm4chee-local
  • seriesUID: The Series Instance UID of the series to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?seriesUID=
    • Ex with multiple studies and series: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?studyUID=
  • objectUID: The SOP Instance UID of the object to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?objectUID=


  • mostRecentResults: The number of the most recent studies to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=11685148&mostRecentResults=2
  • modalitiesInStudy: Filter the studies containing the specified modalities.
    • Ex with only CT or XA: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT,XA&archive=dcm4chee-local
  • containsInDescription: Filter the studies containing the specified string in the study description. Note that the search is case-insensitive and diacritic-insensitive.
    • Ex with only coronary or thorax: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&containsInDescription=coronary,thorax&archive=dcm4chee-local
  • lowerDateTime: Filter the studies which are older than the specified date.
    • Ex CT older than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00Z&archive=dcm4chee-local
  • upperDateTime: Filter the studies which are more recent than the specified date.
    • Ex CT more recent than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT&upperDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00Z&archive=dcm4chee-local

You can restrict the types of UIDs (patientID, studyUID, accessionNumber, seriesUID, objectUID) that services can access. Refer to the “request.ids” section in the configuration file to specify which UIDs are permitted. By default, all UIDs are allowed.

Launch Weasis with IHE IID profile

he Invoke Image Display Profile enables an Image Display Invoker, typically a non-image-aware system such as an EHR, PHR, or RIS, to request the display of patient studies, which are then presented by an image-aware system like an Image Display (PACS). The display service is available at the URL: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay

To launch Weasis with IHE IID profile, you need to build the URL with the following parameters:

  • archive: The archive name to be used to retrieve the study. The list of archives is defined in the config server.
  • requestType: The type of the request (PATIENT, STUDY)
  • patientID: The Patient ID of the study to be displayed. Note to handle a universal patientID, add IssuerOfPatientID like in hl7: patientID=1168514^^^issuerValue
  • studyUID: The Study Instance UID of the study to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=STUDY&studyUID=
  • accessionNumber: The Accession Number of the study to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=STUDY&accessionNumber=2066852


  • mostRecentResults: The number of the most recent studies to be displayed.
    • Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&mostRecentResults=2
  • modalitiesInStudy: Filter the studies containing the specified modalities.
    • Ex studies containing CT or XA: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&modalitiesInStudy=CT,XA
  • containsInDescription: Filter the studies containing the specified string in the study description. Note that the search is case-insensitive and diacritic-insensitive.
    • Ex studies containing coronary or thorax: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&containsInDescription=coronary,thorax
  • lowerDateTime: Filter the studies which are older than the specified date.
    • Ex studies older than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00
  • upperDateTime: Filter the studies which are more recent than the specified date.
    • Ex studies more recent than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00