
How to convert images into DICOM files

The Dicomizer tool allows you to convert standard images into DICOM files. This will facilitate the integration of these images into a DICOM archive.

Dicomizer will help you to manage the DICOM tags at the patient, study, and image levels in order to have more consistent data, easily searchable in the archive system, and compliant with DICOM viewers.

Dicomizer Dicomizer

How to Launch Dicomizer

As a Standalone Application

When installing Weasis, Dicomizer is available as a standalone application with this shortcut (only on Windows and Linux).

On macOS, you need to run the Dicomizer command from the terminal:


If you plan to use it frequently, with the Automator application you can create a new application Dicomizer.app with the Run Shell Script action containing the command.

From a WEB Context

The Dicomizer can be launched from a web context with the weasis:// protocol.

An example for launching Weasis Dicomizer Launch with the following parameters:

$weasis:config pro="felix.extended.config.properties file:conf/dicomizer.json" pro="gosh.port 17181"

Import Images

  1. Using the left panel, navigate through the file system to locate the images you want to convert. Click the button next to the combo box on the right to choose the folder containing the media files eligible for DICOM conversion.

  2. Drag and drop images into the central panel. By default, the images are grouped into a single series. Alternatively, you can split the images into different series by selecting the thumbnails and clicking the Import button. The dialog offers three options:

    • Do not group: All images are imported into a single series (same as drag-and-drop).
    • Group by date: Images are split into different series based on the acquisition date. You can specify the maximum time difference between two images to include them in the same series.
    • Group by name: All images are imported into a single series with a custom name.

The combo box contains the list of the last folders used. Connecting a USB device will automatically add the device path to the list.

Edit DICOM Tags

The Album panel allows you to manage the DICOM tags at the patient, study, and instance levels.

  • The left panel shows the group list representing DICOM series.
  • The main panel displays the thumbnails of the imported media files and allows you to select the images to edit the DICOM tags or by double click to open the image in the Photo Editor.
  • The bottom panel shows the DICOM tags of the selected images. Note that the image level tags are displayed only when a single image is selected.

The bottom panel organizes DICOM tags into categorized tree structures:

  • Global tags: Applicable to the patient and study levels.
  • Series level: Applicable to the series level.
  • Image level: Applicable to the image level.

Tags can be configured in the preferences (items starting by weasis.acquire.meta).


If an item’s dashed outline in the table is red, it indicates that the value is mandatory and must be filled in.

If you don’t want to fill in the Global tags manually, they can be populated:

  • From a DICOM Worklist (configuration by the items starting by weasis.acquire.wkl). Here is an example to modify the configuration at launch:

    $weasis:config pro="felix.extended.config.properties file:conf/ext-dicomizer.properties" pro="gosh.port 17181" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.host localhost" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.aet DCM4CHEE" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.port 11112" pro="weasis.acquire.wkl.station.aet WEASIS-MWL"

  • By the acquire:patient command containing an XML encoded as a DICOM XML file, e.g.:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Person name fields (PatientName, OperatorsName, etc.) should be formatted as Last^First^Middle^Prefix^Suffix according to the DICOM standard. This rule must also be applied when editing manually the DICOM tags.


Various actions are accessible from the contextual menu of a thumbnail:

  • Edit: Opens the Photo Editor to crop, rotate, or adjust the image. Double-clicking on the thumbnail has the same effect.
  • Remove: Deletes the image from the series without affecting the original file.
  • Move to…: Moves the image to a different series.

Edit the Images

The Photo Editor provides tools to crop, rotate, and adjust the image contrast. You can also add annotations to highlight specific areas and use measurement tools to indicate distances, angles, or areas. Additionally, the image can be calibrated using a known distance for obtaining real-world measurements.

Publish DICOM Files

Click the Publish button to send the DICOM files to a remote DICOM archive. The Publication panel allows you to:

  • Select the images to be published (all by default).
  • Handle the resolution of the images.
  • Specify the destination of the DICOM files from the list of DICOM remote nodes.

The destination can be a specific remote node or a list of remote nodes available from the main menu, open File > Preferences (Alt + P) and select DICOM node list and edit ar add a new DICOM node.

When the Dicomizer destination is specified in the preferences, the list is not selectable in the publication panel. The preference items are the ones starting with weasis.acquire.dest.


A green checked icon on the thumbnail indicates that the image has been successfully published.