
The WEB distribution (weasis.war) allows delivering preferences from the server-side to the client-side. Some preferences on the server-side are used by Weasis only during the first launch because they can be changed later in the Weasis user interface. The other preferences at the server-side are used by Weasis at every launch.

Local preferences can be changed by:

  • The Weasis user interface: File > Preferences
  • The weasis protocol with the command weasis:config and the pro parameter

Preferences on the server-side can be changed by:


How to modify

  • Unzip weasis.war, modify the file and zip it again.
  • It is also possible to change the default location of with the Java property “” with the parameter cdb-ext of the weasis service. The file can also be placed in a plugin package, see How to build and install a plug-in.

Priority order for loading a property

Here is the priority order to set a property:

  1. Java System property providing from parameters of weasis:config or the launching URI)
  2. Property defined in weasis/conf/xxx.json
  3. The default value of the property (see table below)

Example to change language property (It will work only during the first launch of Weasis on a user session, otherwise delete ${user.home}/.weasis/preferences/).

  1. If you are using weasis-pacs-connector, add the property locale.lang.code:
  2. Add the property in weasis/conf/xxx.json:
  3. The default value is “en_US”

List of preferences

  • GUI: if yes, the property can be modified in the Weasis user interface.
  • Type: F: only caught at the first launch of the viewer. A: always caught by the viewer. AP: always caught by the viewer but only from or .
Property Default value GUI Type Description
weasis.confirm.closing false (since v2.0.0 ) yes F Show a message of confirmation when closing the application. true no A Show a disclaimer (requires to be accepted to start the application) during the first launch of Weasis. true (since v2.0.0 ) no A Show a message when the release has changed
weasis.export.dicom true (since v1.2.5 ) no A Allows exporting DICOM files.
weasis.portable.dicom.cache true no A Cache the images imported from directories defined in If true, it is similar to the WEB import. INFO yes F Sets the logging level of the loggers. This may be any of the defined logging levels TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. false yes F Activate the log file. If this property is false, log messages are written to System.out. Since Weasis 2.0.4 5 yes F The number of rotated files to keep. 10MB yes F Defines how the log file is rotated by size. {0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} *{4}* [{2}] {3} {5} no F Formatting log messages. java.util.MessageFormat pattern supporting up to six arguments: {0} The timestamp of type java.util.Date, {1} the log marker, {2} the name of the current thread, {3} the name of the logger, {4} the debug level and {5} the actual debug message.
locale.lang.code en yes F Language code (see Java Locale). If the value is “system” then the locale of the operating system will be used (client-side).
locale.format.code system yes F Format code for number and date (see Java Locale). If the value is “system” then the locale of the operating system will be used (client-side). Weasis no AP Change the name of the application everywhere in UI
weasis.profile default no AP Application profile, it allows having a custom preferences directory on the client side (will not shared preferences with other Weasis instances)
weasis.resources.url ${weasis.codebase.url}/ no A Application resource files (logo, presets, LUTs…). “” is downloaded again only when the last modified date has changed. true yes F Start to download series immediately
download.concurrent.series 3 no A The number of concurrent series downloads
download.concurrent.series.images 4 no A The number of concurrent image downloads in a series
audit.log false no A Audit log for giving statistics about usage of Weasis
weasis.color.wl.apply true yes F Allow to apply Window/Level on color images
weasis.dicom.root.uid 2.25 no A Set value for dicom root UID when creating DICOM objects (KO or PR). See company list.
{ui keys} true no A Make visible or not the Toolbars, Tools, some buttons, main menu and context menu items (see file)
weasis.aet WEASIS_AE no A Calling AETitle for DICOM send and DICOM print 3 yes F Defines the maximum number of lines for stack trace (0 => NONE, -1 => ALL)
weasis.export.dicom.send true no A Allows DICOM send. Is always false when weasis.export.dicom=false.
weasis.import.dicom true no A Allows importing DICOMs
weasis.import.dicom.qr true no A Allows DICOM Q/R. Is always false when weasis.import.dicom=false. PatientID,PatientName, PatientBirthDate, PatientSex, AccessionNumber, StudyDescription no A Global tags at the patient or study level that are visible in Dicomizer StudyDescription no A Global tags which are editable PatientID, PatientName, AccessionNumber, StudyDescription no A Global tags which are required for publication
weasis.acquire.meta.series.display Modality, OperatorsName, ReferringPhysicianName, BodyPartExamined, SeriesDescription no A Tags at the series level that are visible in Dicomizer
weasis.acquire.meta.series.edit ReferringPhysicianName, BodyPartExamined, SeriesDescription no A Series tags which are editable
weasis.acquire.meta.series.required Modality, SeriesDescription no A Series tags which are required for publication
weasis.acquire.meta.image.display ImageComments, ContentDate, ContentTime no A Tags at the image level that are visible in Dicomizer
weasis.acquire.meta.image.edit ImageComments, ContentDate, ContentTime no A Image tags which are editable
weasis.acquire.meta.image.required ContentDate no A Image tags which are required for publication localhost no A Hostname of DICOM send destination for Dicomizer. If no value, the list of DICOM nodes for storage is displayed.
weasis.acquire.dest.aet DCM4CHEE no A AETitle of DICOM send destination for Dicomizer
weasis.acquire.dest.port 11112 no A Port of DICOM send destination for Dicomizer Pictures of follow-up,Pictures of observation,Pictures preoperative,Pictures intraoperative,Pictures postoperative no A Comma-separated list of study description elements. Comment this property to have a free text field.
weasis.acquire.meta.series.description no A Comma-separated list of series description elements. Comment this property to have a free text field.
weasis.level.inverse v2.6.0 true yes F Inverse level direction (moving the cursor down to increase brightness) v2.6.0 false yes F Apply by default the most recent Presentation State to the related image
weasis.user v2.6.0 system user no A Defines a user with its own preferences v3.5.3 false no A Store user preferences when weasis.user is not specified (only with remote preferences service)
weasis.theme v4.0.0 org.weasis.launcher.FlatWeasisTheme yes F FlatWeasisTheme is the default dark theme. All the themes comes from FlatLaf
weasis.theme.${system} v4.0.0 org.weasis.launcher.FlatWeasisTheme yes F Apply a default theme specific to the platform (macosx, linux, windows).
flatlaf.uiScale v4.0.0 1.0 (or the default scale factor of the Operating System) yes F Specifies a custom scale factor used to scale the user interface. Allowed values: e.g. 1.5, 1.5x, 150% or 144dpi (96dpi is 100%)
weasis.update.release v4.0.1 true no A Show a message when a new release is available

Examples of properties in

Changing the default theme of the user interface

# Define the theme for the first launch according to the platform (macosx, linux, windows)

Customize resources

The default resources are located:

  • For the web distribution in “” at the root of weasis.war (see above how to set a new URL for resources)
  • For the installed distribution in installedPath/app/resources

How to add DICOM nodes or DICOM printers at the server-side

  • From the graphical user interface, configure the DICOM printers from File > Print > DICOM Print or DICOM nodes from File > Preferences > Dicom node list
  • Go to the folder ${user.home}/.weasis/data/weasis-dicom-explorer
  • Copy the desired configuration files: dicomNodes.xml, dicomPrinterNodes.xml, dicomWebNodes.xml and dicomCallingNodes.xml
  • Paste at the root path of resources. For web distribution, unzip, place files and zip again.
  • The new configurations should appear for all the users as non-editable configurations in Weasis