MIP Viewer
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP)
The MIP viewer is a simple 3D viewer that allows to display the maximum intensity projection of a volume defined by a number of slice of the image stack.
The MIP viewer is also available in the 3D viewer with more advanced options of the volume rendering, but some minimal hardware requirements is necessary.
Open the MIP viewer
The MIP viewer can be opened with in the Basic 3D toolbar of the DICOM 2D viewer.
If the button is grayed out, it means that the current series has less than 5 images which the minimal number of images for using the MIP viewer.
The MIP Options
This dialog is a modal window that allows you to change the MIP settings and build a new MIP series.
Try to load a volume dataset and open the MIP viewer. Launch
In MIP mode, the volume is displayed as a 2D projection of the maximum intensity along the perpendicular axis of the image plane. This change in geometry means that overlay graphics are no longer displayed.
Projection type
The projection type defines the way the MIP is calculated. The options are:
- Min: Minimum Intensity Projection
- Mean: Mean Intensity Projection
- Max: Maximum Intensity Projection (the default value)
Windowing and Rendering
The Windowing and Rendering contains some of the tools found in Image Tools to change the windowing or to select a preset, since Version4.4.0.
Slice position
The slice position is used to move around the series to apply the projection and display the result. The Image value represents the position in the series stack.
Slice thickness
The Image Extension value represents the number of slices to use for the MIP calculation. If the images are calibrated and contains the 3D position, the thickness is also displayed in millimeters.
Rebuild Series
It allows you to build a new MIP series according to the MIP options. In this new series the slice position and thickness are modified. If the windowing is custom, then it is added to the presets of the new series.
The new MIP series is added to the DICOM explorer and can be exported.