Subsections of Customize


How to launch Weasis from any environments

Here we present how to launch Weasis with associated images from any context either using weasis-pacs-connector or ViewerHub as its successor, or by building your own connector. The launch of the application is based on the weasis protocol available since Version3.5.3.

Using weasis-pacs-connector or ViewerHub allows a high degree of integration and facilitates connection to a PACS. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Automatically build a manifest according to a configuration with a PACS
  • The initial URL starts with HTTP and is then redirected to weasis:// (useful when custom URI scheme is not allowed by wiki, blog platforms, etc.)
  • Efficiently manages to build the manifest simultaneously with the start of Weasis, optimizing loading time
  • Easily handles secure manifest requests and manages tokens for the DICOMWeb services

However, it is also possible:

These integrations provide flexibility to meet the specific needs of healthcare environments, ensuring seamless integration.


Requires Weasis installed on the system with the native installer.

Use weasis-pacs-connector

For connecting to dcm4chee web interface, follow the instructions in Installing Weasis in DCM4CHEE. Otherwise, refer to the documentation of weasis-pacs-connector.

Standard workflow when connecting Weasis to a PACS, RIS, EMR, EPR or any web interface:



The schema above shows that the queries to the PACS are made at the same time as the viewer starts. This makes it possible to optimize the launch by simultaneously launching weasis and building the manifest.


weasis-pacs-connector services allow either to build a manifest from a PACS via DICOM C-Find or to upload the manifest by http POST.

Build your own connector

This documentation describes how to create your own connector without weasis-pacs-connector and with different DICOM archive types. The weasis protocol allows you to build URIs to launch Weasis according to different configurations and allows to load DICOM files locally or remotely.

Here are examples with XML manifests or with DICOMWeb RESTful services.

Build an XML manifest

Use $dicom:get to load a XML manifest returned by your service.

$dicom:get -w "https://myservice/manifest?studyUID=2.16.756."

Build an XML file containing the UIDs of the images which will be retrieved from Weasis. There is XLS to validate the content of xml. This output file can be either compressed in gzip or uncompressed. Here is an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <arcQuery additionnalParameters="" arcId="1001" baseUrl="" requireOnlySOPInstanceUID="false">
        <Patient PatientID="H13885_9M" PatientName="TEST NON SQUARE PIXELS" PatientSex="F">
            <Study AccessionNumber="" ReferringPhysicianName="" StudyDate="20130711" StudyDescription="TEST NON SQUARE PIXELS" StudyID="PKD" StudyInstanceUID="2.16.756." StudyTime="170013">
                <Series Modality="US" SeriesDescription="NON SQUARE PIXELS: PIXEL ASPECT RATIO" SeriesInstanceUID="" SeriesNumber="2">
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="107" SOPInstanceUID=""/>
                <Series Modality="MR" SeriesDescription="NON SQUARE PIXELS: PIXEL SPACING" SeriesInstanceUID="2.16.756." SeriesNumber="40001">
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="1" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="2" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="3" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="4" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                <Series Modality="MR" SeriesDescription="NON SQUARE PIXELS: PIXEL SPACING" SeriesInstanceUID="2.16.756." SeriesNumber="50001">
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="1" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="2" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="3" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>
                    <Instance InstanceNumber="4" SOPInstanceUID="2.16.756."/>

Important Parameters (except mandatory parameters defined in xsd):

  • PatientBirthDate helps to identify a patient.
  • StudyDate, StudyTime, Modality, SeriesNumber and InstanceNumber help to sort data before downloading images.
  • SeriesDescription and StudyDescription allow immediately displaying the descriptions before downloading the images.


From Weasis 2.5 it is possible to have multiple archives (allows several arcQuery tags) and the presentations tag which contains the image annotations.

Build an XML manifest (no WADO server)

This example requires only a WEB server. Weasis will download DICOM files by URLs.

Use $dicom:get to load a XML manifest containing direct links Launch

$dicom:get -w ""


Required Parameters:

  • DirectDownloadFile defines the URL of the DICOM file to download (the final URL is the combination of wadoURL + DirectDownloadFile)
  • DirectDownloadThumbnail defines the URL of the JPEG file representing the series (the final URL is the combination of wadoURL + DirectDownloadThumbnail)
  • See in the previous note above.

Download directly with DICOMWeb RESTful services

This integration requires a PACS/VNA with DICOMweb services (QUERY/RETRIEVE) where the requests are managed directly by Weasis. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Straightforward integration
  • Do not require to install weasis-pacs-connector
  • Allow passing token directly in headers (not in the URL)

The following configurations allow images to be loaded by initiating the request from a WEB context. However, it is possible to access DICOMWeb services by initiating the request directly from the Weasis import.

Use $dicom:rs to load DICOM files. Here are some configuration examples of DICOMweb applications:


This configuration requires at least dcm4chee-arc-light 5.22.2 and Weasis 3.6.0. To activate Weasis in dcm4chee-arc-light user interface, you need to add the four following properties in the web portal from the left menu Configuration > Devices > dcm4chee-arc > Extensions > Edit extension > Child Objects > Web Applications > DCM4CHEE

IID_PATIENT_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "patientID={{patientID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
IID_STUDY_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "studyUID={{studyUID}}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

The properties can also be passed directly to the docker-compose.env file:

IID_PATIENT_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "patientID={{patientID}}" --query-ext "\&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"
IID_STUDY_URL=weasis://$dicom:rs --url "{{qidoBaseURL}}{{qidoBasePath}}" -r "studyUID={{studyUID}}" --query-ext "\&includedefaults=false" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}"

Finally, refresh the page for having the viewer button.


Configuration notes:

  • See configuration for versions before 5.22.2.
  • From 5.24.0 {{qidoBaseURL}} must be replaced by your base URL (e.g.
  • The character ‘&’ must be escaped in the Docker environment variables.
  • The Authorization header is not required for unsecure service.
  • URL with HTTPS requires a real valid certificate; otherwise, the certificate must be imported into the Weasis Java keystore. For testing purposes in secure mode, you can use the HTTP URL if it is mapped in the OIDC client of keycloack (–url “http://:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs”).

Known issue: Weasis cannot open the images because of the token length which is cut by IE and Chrome only under Windows. It is working with Firefox on Windows.

Orthanc WEB Server

$dicom:rs --url "" -r "patientID=ozp00SjY2xG"

Currently, the DICOMWeb service of Orthanc doesn’t support:

  • Thumbnail service is not implemented.

Google Cloud Healthcare API

$weasis:config pro="dicom.qido.query.multi.params true" $dicom:rs --url "" -r "studyUID=" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"

Currently, the DICOMWeb service for getting thumbnails doesn’t work in the Google API.


<your-token> must be replaced by a valid token.

DICOMcloud (for Azure cloud)

$dicom:rs --url "" -r "studyUID="

The demo server is no longer accessible.

Currently, the DICOMWeb service of DICOMcloud doesn’t support:

  • Thumbnail service is not implemented.


$dicom:rs --url "" -r "studyUID=" -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"

<your-token> must be replaced by a valid token.

Amazon HealthImaging

Prefer to use dicomweb-proxy to manage the token and the URL of the DICOMWeb service. See Weasis configuration at the end of this page.


ViewerHub (is a separate project that will be available soon) is a tool designed for managing server-side Weasis preferences across all native client installations. The preferences are defined in each release package (bin-dist/weasis/conf within and can be modified either through the ViewerHub web portal or via the Weasis protocol with the pro parameter.

Some server-side preferences are applied by Weasis only during the initial launch, as they can later be adjusted in the Weasis user interface. On the other hand, certain server-side preferences are utilized by Weasis during every launch and cannot be modified through the User Interface (client-side).

Changing Preferences in Weasis

Client-Side Preferences

Local preferences can be modified in the following ways:

  • Through the Weasis User Interface: Navigate to File > Preferences.
  • Using the Weasis Protocol: Use the weasis:config command with the pro parameter.

Server-Side Preferences

Server-side preferences can be updated using any of the following methods:

  • Through the ViewerHub Web Portal: Manage preferences directly via the web portal for all users, for user group or for a specific hostname.
  • By Extending the Configuration File: Create a new JSON file to extend the base.json configuration.

Priority order for loading a property

Here is the priority order to set a property:

  1. Java System property providing from parameters of weasis:config or the launching URI)
  2. Property defined in weasis/conf/xxx.json
  3. The default value of the property (see table below)

Example to change language property (It will work only during the first launch of Weasis on a user session, otherwise delete ${user.home}/.weasis/preferences/).

  1. If you are using weasis-pacs-connector, add the property locale.lang.code:
  2. Add the property in weasis/conf/xxx.json:
  3. The default value is “en_US”

List of Preferences

The preferences listed below are extracted from the base.json file, which is located in the source code.

The properties are grouped into categories (note: not all categories are shown in the list below), and each property includes the following details:

  1. Property Key: The name of the property, used as a key by the viewer.
  2. Default Value: The property’s default value, provided after the arrow. If it is marked as Null, the property is not set by default.
  3. First Badge: The JavaType of the property, indicating its type in Java (String, Integer, Boolean, etc.).
  4. Second Badge: Represents the Type, defining how the viewer handles the property:
    • F: Processed only during the viewer’s initial launch as it can be adjusted in the client-side preferences.
    • A: Always processed by the viewer.
    • AP: Always processed by the viewer but only from base.json or other .json files.
  5. Description: A brief explanation of the property, provided on the second line.

Dicom Category

  • weasis.aetNull string A
    Calling AETitle for DICOM send and Dicomizer publish. ? null means displaying the DICOM calling node combobox otherwise the combo is not displayed and the value is directly used
  • weasis.dicom.root.uid2.25 string A
    Set values for dicom root UID when creating DICOM objects (KO or PR). See company list at
  • boolean F
    Start to download series immediately
  • download.concurrent.series3 int A
    Controls the number of series downloaded simultaneously
  • download.concurrent.series.images4 int A
    The number of concurrently downloaded images within a series

General Category

  • weasis.themeorg.weasis.launcher.FlatWeasisTheme string F
    FaltLaf Look and feel, see
  • weasis.confirm.closingfalse boolean F
    Show a message of confirmation when closing the application
  • locale.lang.codeen string F
    Specifies the language code (see Java Locale: Default value is "en".
  • locale.format.codesystem string F
    Uses the operating system's locale (on the client-side) with "system". For other values refer to Java Locale:

Launch Category

  • felix.native.processor.alias.arm_learmv7a string A
    Processor alias for 32-bit arm native libraries
  • weasis.clean.previous.versionfalse boolean A
    If true, the bundle cache is cleared when the weasis version has changed from the previous launch
  • weasis.main.uiweasis-base-ui string A
    Application main user interface bundle. Mandatory with the default launcher.
  • weasis.nameWeasis string AP
    Change the name of the application everywhere in UI
  • weasis.profiledefault string AP
    Application profile: when no profile name is provided, the value is "default". It allows having a custom preferences' directory on the client side (will not share preferences with other Weasis instances)
  • weasis.userNull string AP
    Defines a user name to store its own preferences. Null value will be the system user.
  • string AP
    Store user preferences when weasis.user is not specified (only with remote preferences service)
  • flatlaf.uiScaleNull string F
    Specifies a custom scale factor used to scale the user interface. Allowed values: e.g. 1.5, 1.5x, 150% or 144dpi (96dpi is 100%)
  • weasis.resources.url${dollar}{weasis.codebase.url}/ string A
    Application resources (logo, presets, LUTs, dicom annotations configuration...) "" is downloaded again only when the last modified date has changed
  • boolean A
    Show a disclaimer at the first launch of Weasis (requires to be accepted to start the application)
  • boolean A
    Show a message when the release has changed
  • weasis.update.releasetrue boolean A
    Show a message when a new release is available
  • weasis.portable.dicom.directorydicom,DICOM,IMAGES,images string A
    For loading automatically DICOMs in the portable Weasis distribution (CD/DVD). Comma-separated directories relative to the Weasis executable file.

Log Category

  • felix.log.level1 int A
    Set the logging levels for OSGI framework 0=None / 1(default)=Error / 2=Warning / 3=Information / 4=Debug
  • string F
    Application logging level. This may be any of the defined logging levels TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
  • boolean F
    Activation of rolling log files
  • int F
    The max number of rolling log files
  • string F
    The max size of a rolling log file
  •{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} *%-5level* [%thread] %logger{36}: %msg%ex{3}%n string F
    Log pattern: {0} The timestamp of type java.util.Date, {1} the log marker, {2} the name of the current thread, {3} the name of the logger, {4} the debug level and {5} the actual debug message.
  • int F
    Defines the maximum number of lines for stack trace (0 => NONE, -1 => ALL). Default value is 3
  • audit.logfalse boolean A
    Audit log for usage statistics in Weasis

Ui Category

  • weasis.import.imagestrue boolean A
    Show the import image toolbar and menu
  • weasis.import.dicomtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM import menu and dialog
  • weasis.import.dicom.qrtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM Q/R page in the DICOM Export dialog
  • weasis.export.dicomtrue boolean A
    Show the DICOM export menu and dialog
  • weasis.export.dicom.sendtrue boolean A
    Show the send page in the DICOM Export dialog
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.buttons7170 int A
    Show all mouse buttons. Sum of LEFT=1024 + MIDDLE=2048 + RIGHT=4096 + SCROLL=2. Show all:7170 and show none:0.
  • weasis.all.cinetoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show all the cine toolbars
  • weasis.all.keyobjecttoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show all the key object toolbars
  • weasis-dicom-viewer2d.all.rotationtoolbar.visiblefalse boolean A
    Show the rotation toolbars in DICOM 2D viewer
  • weasis.contextmenu.lutShapefalse boolean A
    Show LUT Shape in the contextual menu
  • weasis.contextmenu.lutfalse boolean A
    Show LUT in the contextual menu
  • weasis.contextmenu.filterfalse boolean A
    Show Filter in the contextual menu
  • weasis.plugins.licensetrue boolean A
    Show license activation in Help menu

Viewer Category

  • weasis.color.wl.applytrue boolean F
    Allow applying Window/Level on color images
  • weasis.level.inversetrue boolean F
    Inverse level direction (moving the cursor down to increase brightness
  • weasis.apply.latest.prfalse boolean F
    Apply by default the most recent Presentation State to the related image
  • weasis.force.3dfalse boolean A
    Force to detect a graphic card at every launch
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.leftwinLevel string F
    Left mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.middlepan string F
    Middle mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.rightcontextMenu string F
    Right mouse button action, possible values: pan|winLevel|sequence|zoom|rotation|measure|drawings|contextMenu|crosshair|none
  • weasis.toolbar.mouse.wheelsequence string F
    Mouse wheel action, possible values: sequence|zoom|rotation|none

Customize resources

The default resources are located:

  • With ViewerHub you can upload a new package “” for a specific release.
  • For the installed distribution in installedPath/app/resources

How to add DICOM nodes or DICOM printers at the server-side

  • From the graphical user interface, configure the DICOM printers from File > Print > DICOM Print or DICOM nodes from File > Preferences > Dicom node list
  • Go to the folder ${user.home}/.weasis/data/weasis-dicom-explorer
  • Copy the desired configuration files: dicomNodes.xml, dicomPrinterNodes.xml, dicomWebNodes.xml and dicomCallingNodes.xml
  • Paste at the root path of resources. For web distribution, unzip, place files and zip again.
  • The new configurations should appear for all the users as non-editable configurations in Weasis

Build Plugins

How to build and install a plugin

This page provides a guide on creating new Weasis plugins and explains how to integrate them into the distributions. For details on configuring the development environment, refer to this guidelines page.

Types of Plugins in Weasis

The following list describes the types of plugins, the interfaces they implement and the factories they use:

  1. Media Viewer or Editor
    • Represents the main central panel and implements either ViewerPlugin or ImageViewerPlugin.
    • The factory for this type implements SeriesViewerFactory.
    • For DICOM special modalities, you can use DicomSpecialElementFactory to associate a viewer to a specific DICOM object.
  2. Toolbar Associated with a Viewer
    • Implements the Toolbar or DynamicToolbar interface.
    • The factory for this type implements InsertableFactory
  3. Tool Associated with a Viewer
    • Represents the right panel and implements DockableTool.
    • The factory for this type implements InsertableFactory.
  4. Data Explorer
    • The explorer model implements DataExplorerModel.
    • The explorer view implements DataExplorerView.
    • The factory for this type implements DataExplorerViewFactory.
  5. Import Data into an Explorer
    • Adds a new page into the DICOM Import UI with ImportDicom.
    • The factory for this type implements DicomImportFactory.
  6. Export Data from an Explorer
    • Adds a new page into the DICOM Export UI with ExportDicom
    • The factory for this type implements DicomExportFactory.
  7. Media Codec
    • Implements the Codec interface to decode and encode media files related to a file extension or a mime type.
  8. Preferences
    • Implements PreferencesPageFactory to add a new page in the Preferences dialog.
  9. UI Aggregator
    • Represents the bundle for the application’s main user interface which aggregates various interface components.
    • The Maven artifact for this bundle must be defined in the base.json file (e.g., code:weasis.main.ui value:weasis-base-ui).

The factories are used to create the instances of the plugins and are registered as OSGi services. For performance reasons, the factories are created at startup and the plugins are created only if they are needed.


For more information about the plugin hierarchy and their relationships, refer to the Weasis Architecture.

Building Plugins Using Maven Archetype

  1. To add the Weasis archetypes to your local Maven repository, go to the Weasis/archetype directory and execute the following command:
       mvn install
  2. Navigate to the target folder, which should be the parent folder of the new plugin project, and execute the following command to create your plugin:
       mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
  3. When prompted, enter the number of one of the archetypes. Currently, the following archetypes are available:
    • weasis-plugin-base-viewer-archetype: Example of a toolbar and tool for a non-DICOM viewer.
    • weasis-plugin-dicom-viewer-archetype: Example of a toolbar and tool for a DICOM viewer.
  4. Modify the generated project as needed.
    • In the pom.xml file, ensure the <relativePath> tag corresponds to the location of your Weasis source folder. By default, the value is <relativePath>../Weasis/weasis-parent/pom.xml</relativePath> (In this scenario, the plugin resides in the same parent folder as the Weasis source code).
    • When the relative path is set correctly, <version>${revision}${changelist}</version> in the pom.xml file will automatically be updated to the latest version of the Weasis source.
    • For easier version management in the pom.xml, you can remove <version> at the project level to inherit it from the parent.
  5. Build the plugin by executing the following command in the plugin project directory:
       mvn clean install

Integrating Plugins into Weasis Distributions

Once the plugin is built, it can be integrated into the Weasis distributions either locally or remotely.


The plugin depends on the Weasis framework, and its version must align with the version of the Weasis distribution being integrated.
If the versions do not match, the plugin may fail to start and produce an error such as org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve myplugin ….

Testing the Plugin

To test the plugin with an installed version of Weasis without making any changes to the installed directory, create a JSON file that extends the configuration specified in base.json.

  1. Create a new json file (e.g., myplugin.json) with the following content:
      "weasisPreferences": [
          "code": "org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning",
          "value": "550"
          "code": "",
          "value": "file:///git/myplugin/target/myplugin-4.5.2.jar",
          "description": "Myplugin - a viewer for ..."
  2. Update the content of myplugin.json as required:
    • Ensure the plugin start level (above 500) is lower than the OSGi beginning level (above 550). Avoid using values below this range to prevent conflicts with other plugins.
    • For easier testing, use an absolute JAR path that matches your local plugin directory. Use a URI format for the path like:
  3. Launch Weasis with your configuration:
    • Use the following parameter to extend the configuration (adapt the path to your local file):
        $weasis:config pro=" file:///D:/git/myplugin/myplugin.json"
        $weasis:config pro=" file:///git/myplugin/myplugin.json"
        $weasis:config pro=" file:///git/myplugin/myplugin.json"
    • Build a valid URI with the above parameter (see How to build an URI) and launch Weasis from the command on a terminal:Construct a valid URI using the parameter mentioned above (refer to How to build a URI)) and launch Weasis from the terminal using a command:
        start weasis://
        xdg-open weasis://
        open weasis://

Using ViewerHub

This feature will be available soon. It will allow you to manage the plugins and their configurations directly from the ViewerHub web portal.

Build OSGi Services

All the plugin type described in the list above are OSGi services that are registered and aggregated in the GUI. Building the plugin from the Maven archetype will configure the OSGi service automatically. For adding new OSGi services, here is the procedure:

  1. Create a class that implements the Insertable interface and represents a visual component. For example:

    public class MyPrefView extends AbstractItemDialogPage {
       public MyPrefView() {
           super("My Preferences", 100); // Provide a name and the page position
       private void initGUI() {
           // Add a basic JLabel to the preference panel for demonstration
           add(new JLabel("Welcome to My Preferences!"));
       public void closeAdditionalWindow() {
           // Handle any cleanup or saving preferences when closing
       public void resetToDefaultValues() {
           // Reset preferences to default values

  2. Create a class that implements one of the plugin factories and include the annotations @Component and the @Service parameter. For example:

    @org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component(service = PreferencesPageFactory.class)
    public class MyViewerPrefFactory implements PreferencesPageFactory {
        public AbstractItemDialogPage createInstance(Hashtable<String, Object> properties) {
        return new MyPrefView();
        public boolean isComponentCreatedByThisFactory(Insertable component) {
        return component instanceof MyPrefView;

    For more details on annotations, refer to the Apache Felix SCR Annotations documentation.