Subsections of ViewerHub
Imaging Hub
This page describes how to install the Imaging Hub, a Docker Compose stack for managing dcm4chee PACS, ViewerHub, and related services.
This stack is designed for development and testing purposes only. It enables debugging ViewerHub and testing integration with dcm4chee PACS. It is not suitable for production use.
Included Services
This stack comprises the following components:
- dcm4chee: PACS server for storing and retrieving medical images.
- ViewerHub: Manages resources for different versions of Weasis.
- MinIO: Object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.
- Redis: Cache service storing manifest data for Weasis resources.
- Postgres: Database backend for ViewerHub and dcm4chee.
- Keycloak: Manages user authentication and access.
- Config-server: Manages configuration of all services.
- Eureka: Provides service discovery for stack components.
- Docker
- Docker Compose CLI
This stack supports multiple configurations:
- Debug (
): Includes all the required stack except ViewerHub and uses local volumes.
- Unsecure (
): Enables HTTP and uses development-grade settings. dcm4chee and ViewerHub services have no authentication.
- Secure (
) [Not yet available]: Enables HTTPS and uses production-grade settings. dcm4chee and ViewerHub services have authentication.
Run the following commands based on the environment:
- For debugging ViewerHub:
And then run ViewerHub from your IDE
Minio is an open-source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs. It is used to store resources required by the different versions of Weasis.
Access the Minio console at: http://localhost:9090
Use the following credentials:
- User:
- Password:
Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management server used to authenticate users.
Access the Keycloak console at: http://localhost:8085
Use the following credentials:
- User:
- Password:
Dcm4chee is a PACS server that enables storing and retrieving medical images.
Access the dcm4chee console at: http://localhost:8080/dcm4chee-arc/ui2/en/study/study
For secure mode, access the dcm4chee console at: https://localhost:8443/dcm4chee-arc/ui2/en/study/study
Use the following credentials:
- User:
- Password:
ViewerHub is a web application that manages the resources required by the different versions of Weasis.
Access the ViewerHub console at: http://localhost:8081
Use the following credentials:
- User:
- Password:
Guidelines for development
This page provides guidelines for developing and debugging ViewerHub.
We recommend the use of IntelliJ IDEA because the following instructions are based on it.
Add a Launcher
- Open Run > Edit Configurations…
- Add in VM options the following properties:
- Then clean/install + Run…
In order to access to ViewerHub:
User: viewer-hub-user
Password: password
Launch Weasis
Once all the steps above completed, launch the below URL to launch Weasis and load the dicom image stored in the dcm4chee pacs:
This URL works with the Imaging Hub stack. If you are using a different setup, you may need to adjust the URL accordingly.
For more information, refer to the Launch APIs documentation.
This page outlines the configuration of connectors used by ViewerHub to connect to DICOM archives.
In order to create the Weasis manifest, connectors are configured to enable connections to various PACS or VNA systems.
Three types of connectors are defined in the configuration server: DB, DICOM, and DICOM_WEB.
These connectors are defined according to this model: connector_model.yml
Global connector configuration
The global connector configuration is defined as follows:
# If value is present: use the connectors specified, if not present or wrong connector ids: use all the valid connectors defined in the config
default: # connectorId1, connectorId2
type: # Type of connector used => DB, DICOM, DICOM_WEB
# ------- Search Criteria ----
deactivated: # If a search criteria needs to be deactivated=> SOP_INSTANCE_UID, SERIE_INSTANCE_UID, STUDY_INSTANCE_UID, STUDY_ACCESSION_NUMBER, PATIENT_ID
WADO configuration
WADO configuration is used by Weasis to retrieve images from manifest
# Used to force usage of basic authentication parameters to retrieve images (even if request is authenticated)
force-basic: # true/false
# If request is authenticated,retrieve the token from the authenticated request and inject it in the manifest for Weasis to get the images
url: # Url used to retrieve images by adding authenticated request token in manifest
# Retrieve the images by using this basic authentication parameters
url: # Url used to retrieve images by using basic authentication
login: # Basic credential login
password: # Basic credential password
Database connector
This connector is used to be able to connect to the PACS database in order to find the studies, series, instances of images for the construction of the manifest.
user: # Database user
password: # Encoded password
uri: # Database uri
driver: # Database driver
select: # SQL query to retrieve patientName, patientId, patientBirthDate, patientSex, studyInstanceUid, studyDate, accessionNumber, studyId, referringPhysicianName, studyDescription, seriesInstanceUid, modality, seriesDescription, seriesNumber, sopInstanceUid, instanceNumber
accession-number-column: # Accession number column used in the SQL query above
patient-id-column: # Patient id column used in the SQL query above
study-instance-uid-column: # Study instance uid column used in the SQL query above
serie-instance-uid-column: # Serie instance uid column used in the SQL query above
sop-instance-uid-column: # Sop instance uid column used in the SQL query above
This connector is used to be able to connect to the pacs in DICOM in order to find the studies, series, instances of images for the construction of the manifest.
calling-aet: # Calling aet
aet: # Aet
host: # Host
port: # Port
Not implemented yet
Launch APIs
Launch Weasis from your own web application
The display service is available at the URL: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis
To launch Weasis from your own web application, you need to build the URL with the following parameters:
: The archive name to be used to retrieve the study. The list of archives is defined in the config server.
: The Patient ID of the study to be displayed. Note to handle a universal patientID, add IssuerOfPatientID like in hl7: patientID=1168514^^^issuerValue
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&archive=dcm4chee-local
- Ex with multiple patientID: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&patientID=2023231696&archive=dcm4chee-local
- Ex with URL encoding of separators
and IssuerOfPatientID value test
: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514%5E%5E%5Etest&archive=dcm4chee-local
: The Study Instance UID of the study to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?studyUID=
: The Accession Number of the study to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?accessionNumber=2066852&archive=dcm4chee-local
: The Series Instance UID of the series to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?seriesUID=
- Ex with multiple studies and series: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?studyUID=
: The SOP Instance UID of the object to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?objectUID=
: The number of the most recent studies to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=11685148&mostRecentResults=2
: Filter the studies containing the specified modalities.
- Ex with only
or XA
: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT,XA&archive=dcm4chee-local
: Filter the studies containing the specified string in the study description. Note that the search is case-insensitive and diacritic-insensitive.
- Ex with only
or thorax
: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&containsInDescription=coronary,thorax&archive=dcm4chee-local
: Filter the studies which are older than the specified date.
- Ex CT older than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00Z&archive=dcm4chee-local
: Filter the studies which are more recent than the specified date.
- Ex CT more recent than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/weasis?patientID=1168514&modalitiesInStudy=CT&upperDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00Z&archive=dcm4chee-local
You can restrict the types of UIDs (patientID, studyUID, accessionNumber, seriesUID, objectUID) that services can access. Refer to the “request.ids” section in the configuration file to specify which UIDs are permitted. By default, all UIDs are allowed.
Launch Weasis with IHE IID profile
he Invoke Image Display Profile enables an Image Display Invoker, typically a non-image-aware system such as an EHR, PHR, or RIS, to request the display of patient studies, which are then presented by an image-aware system like an Image Display (PACS).
The display service is available at the URL: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay
To launch Weasis with IHE IID profile, you need to build the URL with the following parameters:
: The archive name to be used to retrieve the study. The list of archives is defined in the config server.
: The type of the request (PATIENT, STUDY)
: The Patient ID of the study to be displayed. Note to handle a universal patientID, add IssuerOfPatientID like in hl7: patientID=1168514^^^issuerValue
: The Study Instance UID of the study to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=STUDY&studyUID=
: The Accession Number of the study to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=STUDY&accessionNumber=2066852
: The number of the most recent studies to be displayed.
- Ex: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&mostRecentResults=2
: Filter the studies containing the specified modalities.
- Ex studies containing
or XA
: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&modalitiesInStudy=CT,XA
: Filter the studies containing the specified string in the study description. Note that the search is case-insensitive and diacritic-insensitive.
- Ex studies containing
or thorax
: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&containsInDescription=coronary,thorax
: Filter the studies which are older than the specified date.
- Ex studies older than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00
: Filter the studies which are more recent than the specified date.
- Ex studies more recent than 01.01.2010 12:00:00: http://localhost:8081/display/IHEInvokeImageDisplay?requestType=PATIENT&patientID=11685148&lowerDateTime=2010-01-01T12:00:00
The manifest contains the list of exams, series, and instances to retrieve when loading images by Weasis.
The manifest is represented in this format.
The creation of the manifest occurs when a client calls ViewerHub to launch Weasis through the launch URL using the Launch APIs.
According to the search criteria of the request, ViewerHub constructs the manifest through connectors.
There are 3 types of connectors:
- DB (database)
- DICOM_WEB (DICOMWeb connector will be implemented later).
DB queries or DICOM calls are made to retrieve the necessary information to populate the manifest according to the search criteria.
The connectors are defined according to a model in the config server.
Cache Redis
Once the manifest built, it will be stored in a Redis cache for a defined period (TTL currently 3 minutes).
This mechanism allows multiple instances of ViewerHub, as the retrieval of the manifest by Weasis is asynchronous.
It is also useful when the user requests the visualization of the same study within the TTL period: the manifest will be retrieved directly from the Redis cache.
The key for retrieving the manifest corresponds to the hash of the search criteria.
When launching the Weasis viewer with ViewerHub, a URL containing search criteria in “query parameters” is used.
It is possible to encrypt these search parameters when launching the Weasis viewer in order to not transmit certain sensitive data in plain text (e.g. patient identifier).
To enable this feature, the application-cryptography.yml file in the config-server must be modified by setting the “enabled” field below to true.
# - Cryptography
enabled: false
password: '{cipher}'
salt: '{cipher}'
Defining a password and a salt is also necessary to encode/decode the search parameters.
The same encryption algorithm must be used on the client side (encryption) and on the ViewerHub side (decryption).
User Guide
Subsections of User Guide
Package Versioning
Manual Import
A version of Weasis can be manually imported into ViewerHub in the tab “Package”.

The file to be imported must have a name in this format: “weasis-native”.

This file corresponds to one of the Weasis release versions produced here:
Import process
The import process of a Weasis version follows these different steps:
- Retrieval of the “weasis-native” file, decompression and storage of the version’s resources/bundles in minio/S3.
- Compression of the version’s “resources” folder into a zip file (necessary for Weasis) and storage on S3.

- Update on S3 of the Weasis version compatibility file if the imported version is more recent.

- Cache update regarding Weasis version compatibility mapping.
- Loading of the version’s properties into the database.
Nexus Import
Currently not available, will be implemented later.
Remove Weasis package version
In order to delete a version of Weasis, it is necessary to select the version to delete, then right-click and confirm the deletion.

Deleting a version whose “launch config” is “default” will result in the deletion of all versions linked to this “default”.

Group-specific versions
It is possible to create a version of Weasis that will only be launched for certain groups of users or hosts.
In the “package” view, click on “Create new group config”.

Then select the desired Weasis version (package version + launch config) and the new group to associate then press “Create”.

The new version will thus be displayed in the list of versions already present.
If the user or host belongs to the group, the previously created configuration will be used to launch Weasis.
Configuring version properties
ViewerHub allows to modify the properties of versions on-the-fly.
To modify a property, it is necessary to open a version and double-click on the property to modify.
For example to modify the name of the viewer for a package/launch config/group:
- modification of the property “”

- launching the viewer after modification: the label corresponds to the modified property

It is possible to import the translations that will be used by Weasis depending on the version of Weasis launched and the correspondence of this version with the compatibility file.
The name of the file to import must have the format “”.
The translation zip files to import are present at this address:
In ViewerHub, management of translation packages is located in the “Translation” tab.

The import will decompress the zip file and load the translation resources into the MinIO S3.

Deleting a translation version is done by selecting the version and right-clicking on this version and then confirming the deletion.

Package Qualifier
Default values
When calling the ViewerHub, Weasis will send in an Http header the version installed on the client workstation (User-Agent header).
If the corresponding Weasis version has not been installed on ViewerHub and/or when no qualifier has been associated with the user/host/group making the request, a version and/or a qualifier are used by default to retrieve the resources to launch Weasis.
These default values are defined in the config-server in the application-package.yml file.
Qualifier mapping to user/host/group
In order to be able to test specific versions or to be able to launch a version of Weasis different from the default one for a group, it is possible to specify the version to launch for a user/host/group by mapping a particular qualifier.

In order to use this feature:
- the file containing the specific version must be loaded into ViewerHub and associated with a group.
- the “qualifier” property must be defined in the launch_prefered table and must be of type “qualifier”.

- the mapping of the qualifier to use this version must be done at the launch table level for the target/launch_config/launch_preferred association.
If this mapping is not done, the default qualifier defined in ViewerHub configuration will be taken into account (see previous paragraph).
In order to do this mapping, you must define a configuration in the launch table associating the desired group/launch_config, the previous launch_preferred “qualifier” and for the “selection” column specify the qualifier to launch.

Version Compatibility
Compatibility file
A compatibility file named “version-compatibility.json” is present in each Weasis release.
└── bin-dist/
└── weasis/
└── conf/
└── version-compatibility.json
This file contains the mapping between the release version (“release-version”) and the minimum version of Weasis that should be installed on the client workstation (“minimal-version”).
This file also indicates which translation version should be used (“i18n-version”).
Release Version |
Minimal Version |
i18n Version |
3.6.0 |
3.6.0 |
2.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.6.1 |
3.6.0 |
2.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.6.2 |
3.6.0 |
2.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.7.0 |
3.7.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.7.1 |
3.7.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.8.0 |
3.7.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.8.1 |
3.7.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
3.8.2 |
3.7.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.0.0 |
4.0.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.0.1 |
4.0.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.0.2 |
4.0.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.0.3 |
4.0.0 |
3.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.1.0 |
4.1.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.1.1 |
4.1.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.1.2 |
4.1.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.2.0 |
4.2.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.2.1 |
4.2.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.3.0 |
4.2.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.4.0 |
4.4.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.5.0 |
4.5.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
4.5.1 |
4.5.0 |
4.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
When uploading a new version in ViewerHub or when starting the application (in case the compatibility file is already present in the S3), ViewerHub will construct the different possible combinations from the compatibility file between the versions installed in ViewerHub and the Weasis releases.
These combinations will be stored in a redis cache. This cache is currently refreshed every 24 hours.
So when a client will launch Weasis via ViewerHub, it will directly know which version, i18n, resources to use when launching Weasis on the user computer.
By importing a new version of Weasis into ViewerHub, if the compatibility file is more recent, ViewerHub will replace the compatibility file present on the S3.
This compatibility file will be renamed in the S3 bucket “mapping-minimal-version.json”
In order to compare if this mapping file is more recent, ViewerHub will compare the version number of the latest release.
To easily manage your computer network, ViewerHub allows the creation and association of user or host groups.
Users, hosts, user groups and host groups are represented by ‘targets’.
There are 4 types of target:
- user
- host
- user group
- host group
To create a target, go to the ‘association’ menu and define the type of target to be created.

Group association
To associate a target with a group or a host/user, look for the desired target in the target name section and add the group or host/user in the ‘Belongs to/Member of’ section.

It is possible to associate several users with a user group and several hosts with a host group.

It is not possible to mix up the association between a user and a host group or a host in a user group.