Version Compatibility

Compatibility file

A compatibility file named “version-compatibility.json” is present in each Weasis release
(in the file => bin-dist => weasis => conf).

This file contains the mapping between the release version (“release-version”) and the minimum version of Weasis that should be installed on the client workstation (“minimal-version”).

This file also indicates which translation version should be used (“i18n-version”).

version_compatibility_file.png version_compatibility_file.png


When uploading a new version in ViewerHub or when starting the application (in case the compatibility file is already present in the S3), ViewerHub will construct the different possible combinations from the compatibility file between the versions installed in ViewerHub and the Weasis releases.

These combinations will be stored in a redis cache. This cache is currently refreshed every 24 hours.

So when a client will launch Weasis via ViewerHub, it will directly know which version, i18n, resources to use when launching Weasis on the user computer.


By importing a new version of Weasis into ViewerHub, if the compatibility file is more recent, ViewerHub will replace the compatibility file present on the S3. This compatibility file will be renamed on S3 “mapping-minimal-version.json”

s3_compatibility_file.png s3_compatibility_file.png

In order to compare if this mapping file is more recent, ViewerHub will compare the version number of the latest release.